Dear students,
In order to compensate for your effort, Banca Transilvania offers to those who filled in the questionnaire the following prizes:
- 4 Tablets (Samsung Galaxy Tab2 P3100, 7″, 8GB, Wi-Fi, 3G, Android 4.0)
- 10 memory sticks of 16 Gb
The winners from February 2013 are:
- Tălmăcel Monica, Hălăucești, Iasi – 1 tablet
- Bogdan Vili Răzvan, Bacău – 1 memory stick
- Doncea Liana, Roșiorii de Vede, Teleorman – 1 memory stick
The winners from December 2012 are:
- Stoian Diana Alina – Timişoara
- Hincu Alinadin – Galaţi
- Ivascu Denisa – Piteşti
Memory sticks:
- Popa Angel din Oradea – Bihor
- Albu Aurelia Valentina din Aştileu – Bihor
- P G – Bucureşti
- IA – Caransebeş
- Şerban Sebastiana – Sibiu
- Iagăru Elena Larisa – Sibiu
- Ene Mircea din Măgurele – Ilfov
- Neculcea Tiberiu din Piteşti – Argeş
Prizes were offered by Banca Transilvania.