• Articles in ISI Journals

Degi, C.L., & Faludi, C. (2015). The Effect of Sexual Debut and Health Risk Behaviours on Baccalaureate Performance of Romanian Adolescents. Croatian Journal of Education, 17 (2), 333-352.

  • Articles in Journals indexed in International Databases

Faludi, C. (2015). Particularities of violence in couple among nowadays Romanian young people. Anthropological Research and Studies, 5, 20-21.

Pop, F. & Roth, M. (2015). Ethnic divisions and social capital described in the narratives of young Romanian roma in Today’s Children Tomorrow’s Parents, 40, 98-111.

  • Chapters, studies in collective books

Faludi, C. & Dégi, L.C. (2015). Impactul experiențelor familiale din copilărie asupra relațiilor romantice și singurătății la adolescenții din România. În Rada, C., Bistriceanu Pantelimon, C. (coord.), Provocări ale familiei contemporane. Perspective psiho-socio-medicale (pp. 49-65), București: Editura Universitară.

Raiu, S.L. & Lorincz, C. (2015). First experience in work of Romanian youth – a sociological point of view. În Boldea, I. (Editor), Debates on Globalization. Approaching National Identity through Intercultural Dialogue (pp. 163-172). Tîrgu Mureș: Arhipelag XXI Press.

Vincze, A.E., Roth, M., & Hărăguș, P. (2015). Pathways of wellbeing to young adulthood. SGEM – International Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts, Psychology and Psychiatry, 1, 141-149.

Vincze, A.E.,  Hărăguș, P., & Roth, M. (2015). Satisfaction with life of Romanian young adults. SGEM – International Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts, Psychology and Psychiatry, 1, 181-189.

  • Articles in progress

Vincze, A.E. (in progress). Demographic correlates of Happiness in Romanian Young Adults. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences.

Vincze, A.E. (in progress). Variability of Happiness according to Income, Relationship Status Religious Affiliation and Health in Romanian Young Adults. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences.

Raiu, S.L. (in progress). Work experience of adolescents from Romania. Lumen International Scientific Conference – Rethinking Social Action. Core Values RSACV. Medimond Monduzzi International Proceedings.

  • PhD Thesis

Raiu, S.L.Emerging adult: Transition from School to Work under coordination Prof. PhD. Maria Roth


Pop, F. & Iovu, M.B. – Understanding social marginalization through the narratives of Romanian Roma Youth. Lucrare prezentată la „Journal of Youth Studies Conference: Contemporary Youth, contemporary risk”, Copenhaga, Danemarca, 30 martie-01 aprilie 2015.

David-Kacso, A, Roth, M., Hărăguș, P.T., & Raiu, S. – The protective effect of educational and career aspirations in the process of transition to adulthood of vulnerable youngsters in Romania. Lucrare prezentată la „Journal of Youth Studies Conference: Contemporary Youth, contemporary risk”, Copenhaga, Danemarca, 30 martie-01 aprilie 2015.

Raiu, S.L. – Work experience of adolescents from Romania. Poster prezentat la 6th Lumen International Scientific Conference – Rethinking Social Action. Core Values RSACV, Iași, România, 16-19 Aprilie 2015 – conferinta ISI.

Raiu, S.L. – The first work experience at emerging adulthood in Romania. Material video prezentat în cadrul conferinței internaționale a Institutului de Cercetare a Calității Vieții „Quality of Life: a Challenge for Social Policy”, București, România, 23-25 aprilie 2015.

Raiu, S.L. & Lorincz, C. – First work experience of Romanian youth – a sociological point of view. Lucrare prezentată în cadrul conferinței internaționale „Globalization, Intercultural Dialogue and National Identity (GIDNI)”, Tîrgu-Mureș, România, 28-29 mai 2015.

Raiu, S.L. – Pregătirea educațională a tinerilor din România: obstacole și aspirații. Lucrare prezentată în cadrul conferinței internațională „Cercetare interdisciplinară și dezvoltare profesională în context internațional”, Iași, România, 10-12 iunie 2015.

Faludi, C. – The profile of contemporary Romanian adolescents who adopt a protective beginning of sexual life. Lucrare prezentată la 3rd International Conference of the International Childhood and Youth Research Network (ICYRNet)Theory and Method in Child and Youth Research”, Nicosia, Cipru, 10-12 iunie 2015.

Roth, M., Pop F. – Ethical challenges of researchers listening to vulnerable adolescents. Lucrare prezentată la 3rd International Conference of the International Childhood and Youth Research Network (ICYRNet)Theory and Method in Child and Youth Research”, Nicosia, Cipru, 10-12 iunie 2015.

Iovu, M.B. & Hărăguș, P. – Romanian Adolescents’ Expectations to Cohabit and Marry. Lucrare prezentată la 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association „Differences, Inequalities and Sociologial Imagination”, Praga, Cehia, 25-28 august 2015.

Hărăguș, P., Iovu, M.B., & Raiu, S. – Outcomes of Adolescence and the Transition to Adulthood in Socially Excluded Youth. Lucrare prezentată la 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association „Differences, Inequalities and Sociologial Imagination”, Praga, Cehia, 25-28 august 2015.

Vincze, A.E., Roth, M., & Hărăguș, P. – Pathways of wellbeing to young adulthood. Lucrare prezentată la SGEM – International Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts, Albena, Bulgaria, 24 august – 2 septembrie 2015 – conferinta ISI.

Vincze, A.E.,  Hărăguș, P., & Roth, M. – Satisfaction with life of Romanian young adults. Lucrare prezentată la SGEM – International Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts, Albena, Bulgaria, 24 august – 2 septembrie 2015 – conferinta ISI.

Vincze, A.E., Roth, M., & Hărăguș, P. – Predictors of satisfaction with life and happiness. Lucrare prezentată la 29th European Health Psychology Conference „Principles of Behavior Change in Health and Illness”, Limasol, Cipru, 1-5 septembrie 2015.

Raiu, S.L. – Tranziția de succes a adolescenților spre maturitate în România. Lucrare prezentată în cadrul conferinței organizată în proiectul POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132400, Cluj-Napoca, România, 22-26 septembrie 2015.

Iovu, M.B., Simmel, C., Davis, R., & Roth, M. – The Transition to Adulthood for Youth in Romania: The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Preparing for the Future. Lucrare prezentată la 14th ISPCAN European regional conference on child abuse and neglect „Children first! Collaborative and inter-sectorial responses to child abuse, neglect and exploitation”, București, România, 27-30 septembrie 2015.

Vincze, A.E. &  Roth, M. –  Emotional well being and risk behaviors of adolescents growing up with parents working abroad. Lucrare prezentată la 14th ISPCAN European regional conference on child abuse and neglect „Children first! Collaborative and inter-sectorial responses to child abuse, neglect and exploitation”, București, România, 27-30 septembrie 2015.

Faludi, C. – Particularities of violence in couple relationship among nowadays Romanian young people. Lucrare prezentată la International Conference „Socio- psycho-medical changes in the lifestyles of the contemporary family”, București, România, 7-8 octombrie, 2015.

Faludi, C. – Pathways to violence in the romantic relationship among Romanian youth. Lucrare prezentată la Conferința Națională a SSR și Colocviul Internațional de Științe Sociale și ale Comunicării ACUM 2015, Brașov, România, 19-21 noiembrie 2015.


1. Iovu, M.B. (2014). Adolescents’ Positive Expectations and Future Worries On Their Transition To Adulthood. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 433-437 (

Problem Statement: Adolescence is seen as an important period for youth as they transition to adulthood. Required to manage multiple developmental tasks, adolescents might construct distorted expectations when thinking and planning their future. Therefore, it is important to determine the factors that influence adolescents’ positive and negative expectations in order to assist them with the appropriate services.

Purpose of Study: The aim of the current study is two-fold: (1) assessing the content and the extent of positive and negative expectations of adolescents from Romania on their pending transition to adulthood, and (2) exploring the hypothesis that personal variables (gender, residency, and material deprivation), psychological variables (self-confidence), and social support variables (family, peer and teacher support) predict their future expectations. Methods: Empirical estimates were carried out using regression analysis on data collected from 3509 high school students in the 12th grade (2043 females and 1466 males). The self-report questionnaire covered several areas including demographics, psychological attributes, and family, school, and peer support.

Results: Adolescents perceived their future mostly in positive terms. The greatest effect for positive expectations belonged to self confidence and teacher support, while negative expectations were best predicted by lower teacher support, self confidence, and peer-support.

Conclusions and Recommendations: This research yields interesting results for the Romanian context. Interventions that prepare youth for transitioning from adolescence to adulthood should focus on constructing positive and realistic expectations utilizing a range of factors from the various systems that make up the ecological model (individual, family, school, and peer relationships). However, more prospective research is needed to determine how future expectations are shaped during this period.

2. Raiu S., Roth M., Hărăguş T.P. (2014). Emerging Adulthood in Romania: Comparison between the Perceptions Twelfth Graduates and Students About Maturity. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 803-507. (

Recent studies on emerging adulthood (Arnet, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004) conducted in different countries and cultures concluded that 18-25 years old adolescents do not consider markers such as getting married, finishing school or getting a job as criteria for adulthood. Instead they relate to psychological criteria that are usually achieved gradually and individually: taking responsibility, making decisions independent and achieving financial independence. After school completion youth can choose between several possible routes in the transition to adulthood: they can either continue their studies, enter the labor market or do both. For a large number of young people, college is an important step in the transition from adolescence to adulthood. We focused teenager’s perception of what they think it would be necessary for someone to be considered an adult and whether attending a university (as institutional social experience) influence their perception of maturity. The database has a total of 1,240 respondents between 16-25 years (M=18,87, SD=1,05), the majority girls (60,6%) and consists of two samples: 897 XIIth graders (F=52,8%) and 343 first year students (F=81%). The most frequently marked maturity criteria by youth (94,03%) was “to take responsibility for the consequences of your actions”, in varying proportion for XIIth graders 96,99% and 86,30% for students. Our data supports previous studies results according to internal psychological attributes are more important markers of adulthood in the perception of teenagers and young adults of the new generations than external markers identified by the classic literature. It’s necessary to research on the perception of young people who do not follow college because they might be constrained due to the economic situation to take certain roles that lead them to feel adult at an earlier age.

3. Dávid-Kacsó, Á, Hărăguș, P., T., Roth., M. (2014). Peer influences, learning experiences and aspirations of Romanian high school students in their final school year. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 141, 200-204. (

More than 80% of the Romanian senior high school students wish to continue their studies after graduation, even it is not a realistic aspiration in the conditions of the actual Romanian society. In the frame of this study the social context-related factors that influence the aspirations of the students were analysed. Beside demographic characteristics, variables related to the most relevant social contexts of adolescents (family, friends, school, neighbourhood) were taken into account. The sample is composed from 3524 high school students in their final school year (12th grade). These adolescents were surveyed in the first wave of the survey “Outcomes of Adolescence; a longitudinal perspective on the effect of social context on successful life transitions”. The measure used was a questionnaire based on the SSP [1] which was completed and adapted to Romania by the research team. The results indicate that among the demographic characteristics used, educational level of the parents had the strongest effect on the students’ aspirations. Conversations with parents and aspirations of friends also influenced the respondents’ own future plans. In contrast, perceived teachers’ support and school-related attitudes of youth from the neighbourhood had no significant effect on the aspiration of the students

4. Iovu, M.B. (2014). How do senior high school seniors see their future? Parental and peer influences on personal and professional plans. Social Change Review, 12(1), 25-42.

Statement of problem: Future orientation is a multidimensional and multistage phenomenon. Studies have indicated that how adolescents anticipate and plan for their future is greatly influenced by the particular context in which they are placed, but most of the research in this area has been conducted with adolescents from western cultures.

Aim: This study examined the personal (getting married, moving with the partner, having a child) and professional (having a job, starting a business) future planning of adolescents in contemporary Romania and its relation with adolescents’ background and with parents and friends support. Method: We administered a questionnaire measuring their future orientation and support from parents and friends to 3524 high school seniors from Romania.

Results: Adolescents’ personal future planning varies across different life domains. Females were more likely to plan moving with the partner and getting married, while males were more likely to plan a career option. Family had an effect on professional plans, but the effect is negative, while friends were positive associated with all the future planning.

5. Raiu, S.L., Roth, M., Hărăguş, P., Vincze, A., Kasco-David, A., Degi, C., Voicu, C., Iovu, M., Faludi, C. (2014). The further education plans of teens in their last grade of high school. In G. Raţă & P. Runcan (Eds.) Education and Continous Education. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (pp. 59-64).

6. Dávid-Kacsó, Á., Bernáth Vincze, A., Hărăguș, P.,T. Roth M.: The socioeconomic background and career related plans of Romanian senior high school students from technical and theoretical high schools, SGEM Conference on Psychology and Psychiatry, Sociology and Healthcare, Education, Confrrence Proceedings, vol II, 891-898.

This study proposes to analyze the socioeconomic background of the senior high school students from the two main educational tracks from Romania (theoretical and technical), their career related expectations as well as the factors with effect on the education and career related plans of these students. The sample analyzed is nationally representative and is composed from 3509 high school students in their final school year (12th grade), who were surveyed in the first wave of the research “Outcomes of Adolescence. A longitudinal perspective on the effect of social context on successful life transitions”.The results show that students in technical high schools are in higher proportion disadvantaged , have poorer school results and lower occupational expectations as their counterparts in theoretical high schools. More than 20% of technical high school students do not know what occupation they will have at 30 years. Binary logistic regression was used to identify the effect of school results and occupational expectations on work and education related plans of the students. The GPA predicts significantly if the adolescents plan to be students next year, but school deviancy, poor results at some disciplines, not. Expecting to be a professional or skilled worker predicts the plans for the next year.

7. Roth, M., Pop, F., Raiu, S. (2014). Self-Concepts and Resilience by Roma Youngsters Living in Poor Communities. In M. Tomiță & S. Cace (eds) The Second World Congress on Resilience Timisoara 8-10 May, International Proceedings. Medimond Publishing (pp 643-646).

This paper is based on interviewing 20 Roma adolescents, some from residential homes and others living in poor Roma communities. We are looking at how their self-concepts and future orientation are marked by their disadvantageous environments, as well as the resources they have to maintain themselves hopeful. Based on testimonials of the Roma adolescents, we look at how adolescents describe their occupational aspirations, what resources they rely on, and respectively what barriers they perceive on their ways to attain their goals. In this context we try to draw the line between ecologic normality, seen as turn-away of youngsters from mainstream education and career aspirations, and resilient behaviour, seen as maintenance of positive illusions and continuous struggle towards educational and vocational attainment and social integration. We shall apply the concept of positive illusion as discussed by Taylor & Gollwitzer (1995); Taylor & Stanton (2007). According to Taylor’s theory of cognitive and social adaptation, we shall examine their capacity to maintain positive mental health and self enhancement capacity expressed in positive illusions about themselves, about maintaining control and future orientation.


 Articles emerging:

9. Dégi, L.C., Faludi, C. . The Effect Of Sexual Debut And Health Risk Behaviours On Baccalaureate Performance Of Romanian Adolescents. Croatian Journal of Education – Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje (ISSN Online 1848-5197)


1. Bernath-Vincze, A., Dégi L., Cs., Roth M., Hărăguş T., P., Raiu, S., Iovu, M.B., Dávid-Kacsó, Á., Faludi, C., Voicu, C. (2013): Health and well-being among Romanian adolescents transitioning to adulthood, Psychology & Health,28, Suppl1, 173-173.

2. Vincze, A., Degi, Cs., Roth, M., Hărăguș, T., P. (2013). A Nationwide Study of Mental Health and Social Support among Romanian Adolescents Transitioning to Adulthood. Transylvanian Journal of Psychology, XIV (1), 93-122.(

The present study examines components and factors associated with mental health among Romanian adolescents transitioning to adulthood, within the context of family, peers, and school. A nationally representative sample of 3,524 high school seniors was included in our study. A self administered online questionnaire assessed negative affect, positive resources and social support. Romanian adolescents reported average mental health. Inequalities in mental health were mostly related to low socio-economic background, lack of appropriate social cohesion.

3. Roth, M., Pop, F., Raiu, S. (2013). Vulnerabilities Built in the Identities and Future Orientation of Roma Children and Youth. PHILOBIBLON. Transylvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities, XVIII (2), 374-389. (link)

The article is based on research with different age segments of Roma children and youth, whose self-concepts are marked by the perceptions of the Roma identity in the public opinion. The authors look at vulnerabilities reflected in the identities of Roma school children of different ages, as they appear in children’s self-esteem and future orientation. We show fragments of testimonials of children living in Roma communities and interpret them according to different psychological, psychoanalytical and social approaches. We reveal some of the unifying elements of all children’s identity formation, but also some of the context specific differential elements related to the development as a Roma child, living in a specific neighbourhood and learning in a certain school. Our goal is to draw attention to the mechanisms that can lower the educational aspirations of Roma children and adolescents and might contribute to the appearance of frustration and thus the reproduction of feelings of alterity and marginality.

4. Iovu, M.B., Hărăguş, P.T, Roth, M., Raiu, S., Kacso-David, A., Degi, C., Faludi, C., Voicu, C., Vincze, A. (2013). Adolescents’ Plans for Family Formation. Preliminary Findings from Romania. Revista de Asistenţă Socială, 3, 131-143 (

Job orientation, defined as how adolescents anticipate and construct their future employment, is a multidimensional and multistage phenomenon. Studies have indicated that how adolescents anticipate and plan for their future job is greatly influenced by the particular context in which they are placed, but most of the research in this area has been conducted with adolescents from western cultures. As Romanian senior high school students face a complex set of future occupational options, how and if the decision is influenced by personal or social factors is an important question of interest. This study examines future job planning of adolescents in contemporary Romania and its relation to adolescents’ self-confidence, family, peer group and community support. We administered a questionnaire to 905 senior high schoolers. Results show that adolescents’ future job planning is influenced mainly by the level of self-confidence and family support while peer group and neighborhood support were less successful as predictors. Compared with boys, girls are more likely to plan having a job in the near future; adolescents from urban areas are more likely to think about employment.

5. Iovu, M.B. (2013). Senior high school students’ job planning for the future: what factors really matter? Revista de Asistenţă Socială, 1, 59-70 ( Job orientation, defined as how adolescents anticipate and construct their future employment, is a multidimensional and multistage phenomenon. Studies have indicated that how adolescents anticipate and plan for their future job is greatly influenced by the particular context in which they are placed, but most of the research in this area has been conducted with adolescents from western cultures. As Romanian senior high school students face a complex set of future occupational options, how and if the decision is influenced by personal or social factors is an important question of interest. This study examines future job planning of adolescents in contemporary Romania and its relation to adolescents’ self-confidence, family, peer group and community support. We administered a questionnaire to 905 senior high schoolers. Results show that adolescents’ future job planning is influenced mainly by the level of self-confidence and family support while peer group and neighborhood support were less successful as predictors. Compared with boys, girls are more likely to plan having a job in the near future; adolescents from urban areas are more likely to think about employment. 6. Iovu, M.B. (2013). Future expectations of senior highschoolers in Romania. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth (

This study examines the future achievements of adolescents from Romania and their future worries about the pending transition to adulthood. The study examines the hypotheses that personal variables (e.g. gender, a personality trait of optimism) and social support variables (the support of family, peers) predict their future expectations. A total of 905 adolescents participated in the study. The self-report questionnaire covered several areas including demographic background, optimism, family and peer support and future expectations. Results indicate that most adolescents perceived their future positively. Their future achievements and worries were related to gender. Self-confidence and optimism were positively correlated with positive future expectations. At the same time, lack of the peer-support group was related to negative future expectations, whereas family support did not seem to play a role in this relation. These findings suggest that there are areas of concern that should be addressed through programmes to prepare youth for adult transition. Follow-up and longitudinal studies are suggested.

7. Faludi, C., Degi, C., Roth, M., Raiu, S., Iovu, M.B., Hărăguş, P.T, Kacso-David, A., Voicu, C., Vincze, A. (2013). Contribuţia debutului sexual şi a comportamentelor de risc pentru sănătate asupra reuşitei la bacalaureat a adolescenţilor din România. Revista de Asistenţă Socială, 4, 39-48. (link)

Suggested relationship between sexual and health risk-taking behaviours and school success is rarely investigated in CEE countries. In our project we study their impact on results of the compulsory graduation examination, called “baccalaureate” in Romania. In our follow-up analysis 401 graduate high-school students were included, from a randomly selected sample of 940 Romanian students. We measured scholastic achievement by promotion and performance in standardized testing. The self-administered Future Adults Study questionnaire included items on health-related (smoking, binge drinking, and illicit drug use) and sexual debut behaviours. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression were conducted. Results show that students from rural and deprived communities, those obtaining failing grades in the last semester and involved in an unstable relationship at the sexual debut had significantly increased odds of failure and lower average grade in the final exam, when adjusted for age, gender, religious practice and health status. Effect sizes were medium to large. The main findings of our study suggest that education for life should not be focused and restricted only to the formal education (the academic outcomes like exams and grades), but should also include health education in order to help adolescents to make a successful transition to the new life stage of early adulthood. In the frame of health education, school educators should not neglect the education for reproductive health, and health education should accompany the adolescent alongside his life.

8. Raiu S., Roth M., (2013). The Perception of Romanian Youht About Maturity. Today’s Children Are Tomorrow’s Parents, 35, 30-37. (

Starting from Arnett’s concept on the emerging adult development phase, the scope of this study is to examine the perceptions of youngsters from Romania about their own social status and the meaning of maturity. The participants were 100 Romanian students from various faculties in a large city. An open-ended questionnaire was applied. Results showed that most of the subjects aged 18 to 25 do see them selves as adults, and in their opinion, the main features of maturity are the ability to commit to their own decisions, to take on responsibilities, to achieve financial independence and attain an emotional balance. For Romanian students, being an adult means first of all to commit to your own decisions independently of one’s parents or other influences, to be accountable and financially independent. The results are similar to those of other studies performed among Western societies so we may conclude that there is a specific period of emerging adults in Romania as well.

9. Roth, M., Iovu, M.B., Kacsó-David, A., Hărăguş, P.T., Vincze, A., Dégi, C., Voicu, C., Faludi, C. (2013). Effects of school success on adulthood projects of youngsters by the end of schooling. In P. Runcan, G. Raţă & M.B. Iovu (Eds.) Applied Social Sciences: Sociology. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (pp. 145-152).

10. Raiu S., Roth M., (2013). Youth in Transition: Adolescents’ Opinion on Being an Adult. In P. Runcan, G. Rață & M. Iovu (Eds.). Applied Social Sciences: Sociology, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (pp. 221-228).

Importanța factorilor demografici pentru a atinge vârsta adultă, a fost contestată de către tineri, care definesc statutul deadult prin markeri individuali, menționând că e nevoie de internalizarea unui set de atitudini și competențe, considerate ca fiind cruciale pentru funcționarea adultului în societatea de astăzi (Liefbroer; Toulemon, 2010: 53). Maturitatea și obligațiilesale oferă securitate și stabilitate, dar ele reprezintă de asemenea o închidere a ușilor, sfârșitul perioadei de dependență, alspontaneității și sfârșitul unui spectru larg de posibilități (Arnett, 2004:6). Pentru identificarea criteriilor pe care tinerii din România le consideră ca fiind caracteristice vârstei adulte, am recurs la un chestionar (Horowitz; Bromnick, 2007: 209-231)cu șase întrebări deschise, aplicat pe un eșantion de convenienţă – 80 de elevi din ultimul an de studiu, de la două licee din Cluj-Napoca. Elevii au vârsta de 17, 18 și 19 ani, iar jumătate din eșantion – 43 de copii au 18 ani, cele mai multe persoane respondente fiind de gen feminin (50). Prin autoadministrarea chestionarului, le-am solicitat elevilor opinia cu privire la perioada de la care încep să-i considere adulți trei entități: ei înșiși, părinții lor și societatea. De asemenea chestionarul cuprinde și două întrebări, prin care le-am cerut elevilor enumerarea aspectelor bune și rele privind maturizarea. Testiomonialele lor arată că pentru ei, maturitatea înseamnă în primul rând libertate (posibilitatea de a face orice, de a-și gestiona singur proprii bani, de a decide pentru ei, de a face unele lucruri fără să ceară voie sau a da explicații, a locui singuri). Printre atribute ale maturităţii mai enumeră: asumarea responsabilităților și a deciziilor luate, obținerea independenței, atingerea vârstei biologice de 18 ani și însușirea unei gândiri mature (profunde). Conștientizează că trebuie să devină mai responsabili (să privească viața cu seriozitate, să fie stăpâni pe ei și pe acțiunile lor, să gândească rațional, mai lucid, mai conștient, să fie mai precauți, mai grijulii, mai echilibrați). Privesc vârsta adultă ca pe un rău nedori: ei regretă că se pierd trăsăturile specifice copilăriei, se tem de greutățile pe care le vor întâmpina și de faptul că lumea în care vor intra are alte așteptări și comportamente față de ei. Adolescenții simt că părinții îi tratează tot ca pe niște copii, în pofida faptului că așteaptă de la ei un comportament matur și responsabil. Pentru ca părinții să-i trateze ca pe niște adulț, adolescenții au afirmat că în primul rând ei trebuie să le dovedească părinților că merită acest „statut” și numai după ce -părinții observă, simt, consideră, sunt convinși – numai atunci adolescenții au certitudinea că încep treptat să fie tratați ca un adult. „A fi adult” în societate înseamnă pentru adolescenți „a face ceva în folosul ei”, adică pentru adolescenți dezvoltarea deplină a personalității implică un proces de reciprocitate, în sensul de a îți oferii și tu, ca individ aptitudinile, de a demonstra că ai abilitățile necesare de a face parte din ea prin adăugarea unui plus economiei ca și producător, nu numai ca și consumator, dar mai înseamnă și a te comporta respectabil.


1. Vincze, A.E., Roth, M., Degi L.C. (2012). Self-enhancement relationship to cognitive schemas and psychological distress in young adults. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 12 (2), 189-207. (link)

Controversy still exists in the literature regarding the adaptive function of positive illusions. On the one hand, they are believed to be a key element of mental health; on the other hand they are held to reflect neurotic defenses. Whereas an abundance of studies have been devoted to the study of affective adaptation in relation to self-enhancement, less is known about the cognitive schemas of the self-enhancer. The present paper examines the relationship of self-enhancement to psychological distress by taking into consideration both cognitive adaptation and defensiveness. Participants were a sample of non-clinical young adults (N=304). Cognitive schemas were measured through dysfunctional attitudes, irrational beliefs and automatic thoughts. Path analysis was used to detect more complex relationships between data. Although overall results indicated no differences between the genuine mental health and defensive groups regarding the level of self-enhancing beliefs and distress, self-enhancement of defensive persons were related to cognitive vulnerability and self-deception.

2. Roth M, Kacso-David A, Iovu, M, Vincze A, Hărăguș P. T., Degi Cs, Voicu C., Faludi C. (2012) Outcomes of adolescence in Romania. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 69, 1959 – 1964. (

Problem Statement: In their recent monitoring report, UNESCO (2010, 2011) point out to adolescents as a worldwide age group at risk of being left out of school and with insufficient learning skills to realize their potential, which severely impede on their “economic self-sufficiency, and stable and gratifying personal relationships. The narrowing opportunities, the uncertainties in Romanian society and the economical depression impede on adolescents’ chances and increase the pressures on them to meet social requirements.

Purpose of Study: Our study analyzes: (1) how adolescents understand the process of becoming an adult in Romania, and what criteria they have for it; (2) explore how a combination of psychological factors can interact with school adaptation to set the stage for the transition to adulthood.

Research Methods: Sample consisted of 874 adolescents. The outcomes were measured using a questionnaire based on Arnett’s survey and SSP (Bowen, Rose & Bowen, 2005), which was completed and adapted in Romania by the research team.

Findings: Results indicate that 1) Romanian adolescents at the end of high-school consider autonomy on the top of their rankings to define adulthood, in similar ways as their fellows in the US; in preparation of adulthood, most important criteria include: financial and personal independence from parents. On the other hand, there are many differences in the rankings of these groups, mostly in the perceptions of future roles; (2) individual cognitions, school adaptation and educational attainment, hope in the future and overall quality of life are important for the transition period.

Conclusions: The specific stage of emergence from adolescence to young adulthood requires a reexamination of its factors, taking into consideration the interaction of social cognitions and optimism, about future career, relationships, and finances.


  1. Conferinţa internaţională “Către Societatea Bună – Perspective europene”, Bucureşti, 24-26 Octombrie 2013, Raiu, S., Roth M., Haragus T. P., Vincze A., Iovu M. B., Faludi C., Pop F., Kacso-David A.: Modificări în societatea de astăzi și impactul acestora asupra vieții adolescenților.
  2. Conferinţa internaţională “Către Societatea Bună – Perspective europene”, Bucureşti, 24-26 Octombrie 2013, Roth M., Raiu S., Vincze A. E., Haragus P.T., David-Kacso A.: Conştiinţa maturităţii la elevi şi studenţi din România.
  3. Torino: A 11- a Conferinta ESA “Crisis, Critique and Change“, Universitatea din Torino, August 28-31, 2013: Roth M., Raiu S., Vincze A. E., Haragus P.T., David-Kacso A.: Maturity awareness in the life course planning by Romanian youngsters: high-school and university students.
  4. European Health Psychology Conference (EHPS), Franta: Bourdeaux, Iunie 2013, Anna Emese Bernath-Vincze, Csaba Laszlo Degi, Maria Roth, Teodor Haragus, Sergiu Raiu, Mihai-Bogdan Iovu, Agnes David-Kacso, Cristina Faludi and Corina Voicu: A Health and well-being among romanian adolescents transitioning to adulthood.
  5. 13th ISPCAN European Regional Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Ireland: Dublin, Iovu, M., Haragus, P., Roth, M., Raiu, S., David-Kacso, A., Csaba, D., Faludi, C., Vincze, A., Voicu, C.: Future expectations of senior high school students from Romania.
  6. Vincze, A.E., Degi, Cs.L., Roth M, Conferinte stiintifice invitate internationale, 35th Annual International Conference on The Psychology of The Self, in International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology (IAPSP), 2012, Localitatea Washington, calitatea: Lucrare: Positive illusions about the self and their relationship to mental health in Romanian young adults, Detalii activitate: OCTOBER 18 – OCTOBER 21 2012.
  7. Maria Roth, Paul T. Hărăguș, Anna Vincze, Agnes David-Kacsó, Raiu Sergiu, Mihai Iovu, Csaba Dégi, Cristina Faludi, 2013, Profiling youth to understand the help they need, in ENSACT CONFERENCE, ISTANBUL, 16-19 APRIL, 2013
  8. Cristina Faludi and Csaba László Dégi, Contribution of sexual debut and health risk behaviours on educational achievement of emerging adults in Romania, in ENSACT CONFERENCE, ISTANBUL, 16-19 APRIL, 2013
  9. ISSA Conference Timişoara, 18-19 June: Maria Roth, Iovu Mihai, Agnes Kacso-David, Paul Teodor Hărăguș, Anna Vincze, Csaba Degi, Corina Voicu, Cristina Faludi: The effects of school success on adulthood projects of youngsters by the end of school-life.
  10. 3rd International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology, 10-13 Octombrie 2012, Turkey, Istanbul: Maria Roth, Agnes Kacso-David, Iovu Mihai, Anna Vincze, Paul Teodor Hărăguș, Csaba Degi, Corina Voicu, Cristina Faludi: Outcomes of Adolescence.
  11. European Sociology: New Challenges and Opportunities, 27-29 septembrie, 2012. International Conference organized by Oradea University: Iovu, M., Roth, M., Hărăguş, P., Construirea planurilor de viitor ale adolescenţilor în relaţie cu mediul familial şi grupul de prieteni.
  12. European Sociology: New Challenges and Opportunities, 27-29 septembrie, 2012. International Conference organized by Oradea University: Raiu, S. Roth, M: Percepţia tinerilor despre maturitate.
  13. Familia în societatea contemporană. Perspective psihologice, sociale şi spirituale în dialog, 14-15 septembrie, 2012, Timişoara: Iovu, M., Roth, M., Hărăguş, P. – Personal future planning in adolescence and its relationship to adolescent’s communication with parents and friends ‘Social Work & Society’– TISSA, 27-29 August 2012, European TISSA Conference in Bucharest.
  14. Raiu, S., Roth, M., Perioada emergentă şi caracteristicile maturităţii în diferite societăţi.
  15. 13th ISPCAN European Regional Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, 15-18 septembrie 2013, Dublin: Iovu, M.B., Hărăguş, P., Roth, M., Raiu, S., David-Kacsó, A., Dégi, C., Faludi, C., Vincze, A., Voicu, C. – Future expectations of senior highschoolers in Romania
  16. A treia sesiune națională de comunicări științifice a doctoranzilor din Romania, 10-14 iunie 2013, Timișoara. Raiu, S.: Tranziția de la adolescență la maturitate: valori, norme, comportamente.
  17. 27th European Health Psychology Conference, 16-20 Iulie, 2013, Bordeaux Vincze A., Degi Cs., Roth, M., Hărăguş P., Raiu, S., David-Kacso A., Iovu M. B, Faludi C., Voicu C, Mental health and well being among Romanian adolescents transitioning to Adulthood
  18. European Sociological Association 11th Conference, Torino, 28-31 August 2013. Dávid-Kacsó, A., Hărăguș, P. T., Roth, M., Raiu, S.: Career aspirations of adolescents with different socioeconomic background in their final year of high school
  19. European Sociological Association 11th Conference, Torino, 28-31 August 2013. Roth, M., Raiu, S., Vincze A., Hărăguş P., Dávid-Kacsó, A.: Maturity awareness in the life course planning by Romanian youngsters: high-school and University students